Bank transfer payments - what details are required?


Registered User
If a client wishes to pay me by bank transfer rather than by cheque, what information do they need?

I'm with Danske Bank, so my branch no longer exists. Therefore, if an address is required, I'm not sure what to give.

Bank name?

Account name?



If the client is in Ireland they will need your Sort Code, Account Number and Account Name.

If the client is outside Ireland they will need your BIC, IBAN and Account Name.

Any requirement for address is usually optional.
Am assuming they are in Ireland, from the Bank Of Ireland 365 website (am guessing it will be similar for other banks):
Payee Name
Payee Account
Payee National Sort Code
Reference (visible to the Payer)
Description (visible to the Payee only)
Just to clarify, you only need to provide the client with your Account Name, Sort Code and Account Number.

They will then fill in the reference with something like 'Money I sent to Dinarius', this text will appear on their bank statement.

They will fill in Description with the text that they want to appear on your bank statement. So they might enter the number of an invoice you sent them or their customer number or their name, just something to identify themselves to you.

It is a good idea to tell the client what you would like them to put in the Description. Suppose twenty people all owe you 100 Euro each, all you would see on your bank statement would be lots of payments of 100, you would have no idea who they are from.
Reference (visible to the Payer)
Description (visible to the Payee only)

They will then fill in the reference with something like 'Money I sent to Dinarius', this text will appear on their bank statement.

They will fill in Description with the text that they want to appear on your bank statement. So they might enter the number of an invoice you sent them or their customer number or their name, just something to identify themselves to you.


Apologies - only when I read DMcL1971 and then read back my post did I realise I had written this and put Payee and Payer the wrong way around.

The reference contains the information you will see -if they are regular clients perhaps you have a client identifier for them?

The description is only visible in their statement/account.