No more Big Brother - Hurray!


Registered User
Channel 4 has just announced that it will make only one more series of the "reality" rubbish show.

This creates a huge problem not just for the TV channel, which now faces a 15-hour gap in its daily programming schedule, but for quality print publications like TNOTW, Sun, Star, Mail, Express, Hello, OK, Heat, ad nauseum, which will have acres of empty newsprint and no hard news-stories to fill them with. They could conceivably re-run some quality human-interest features like Kerry Katatonia losing her supermarket contract, Porcine Wayne shopping for pillow-slips, bigger pictures of Jordan's [alleged] stretch-marks, but apart from these earth-shattering stories, they're facing a news-crunch.

I followed the first series with interest, or was it morbid fascination, but since then it seems its been all downhill.

ITV may take it over, so TV3 will get it as well.
They could conceivably re-run some quality human-interest features like Kerry Katatonia losing her supermarket contract, Porcine Wayne shopping for pillow-slips, bigger pictures of Jordan's [alleged] stretch-marks, but apart from these earth-shattering stories, they're facing a news-crunch.

I followed the first series with interest, or was it morbid fascination, but since then it seems its been all downhill.

ITV may take it over, so TV3 will get it as well.

This is probably what they will do. This type of TV is cheap to make and has massive returns.

I think I stpped at BB 5.
I don't think it has massive returns any more, which is why Channel 4 will dump it after BB11 (making it is a contractual obligation, if they could dump it now, they would have). Viewing figures for BB10 are approx 2 million now, a lot lower than the good old days!
Ding dong, the witch is dead! And about time too. Once was a weird, mildly disturbing, experimental, group-voyeuristic experience, twice was too much.
Ding dong, the witch is dead! And about time too. Once was a weird, mildly disturbing, experimental, group-voyeuristic experience, twice was too much.
Watching it was like being the guy whose bedroom window overlooked a mental hospital.
Maybe TV3 will market it as Big Brother Dundrum :)

It would be cheaper than setting up a house and no need for auditions.
At its peak (I think series 2) they had 18m viewers :eek:


Like most, I watched the first series as it was new etc, but since then it seems that all they stick in it are gays, lesbians, transvestites, transgenders etc. A few years ago it was like a zoo!
Am delighted - was total trash and weirdly dominated the viewing schedule in my parents' house...

They'll find a new way to make celebrities of as many people who want to sacrifice their privacy on the spangly Z-list altar.

I think there is a great opportunity for BB to be replaced by a new wave of home-market television that could admirably plug the gap... things like a series of uprated, new and improved makeover shows - the sort where they raid the Oireachtas and turn the TDs into catwalk models.

That or scarier hidden-talent shows like 'Celebrity Ard Feis'; 'Come Booze with me'

and of course a chance for the public at large to share their experiences with everyone else: 'a Place in the Rain'; 'Lend me the Money'; 'Young, Dumb and having to pay college fees'; 'housetrapped in a provincial apartment'.

and real-life looks at how we are: 'Ireland's scariest Roadworks'; 'How long will you pay tax for?'; 'How Clean is your Boreen?'; 'GFT (Garda Forensics Team) - Ballydehob'; 'Secret supplementary welfare claimant'.

Any more suggestions anyone?
What about Come Whine with Me?

Quite topical given the economy, the price of things and the nature of the Irish in general.

Basically, people go around to each other's houses for dinner and complain about anything and everything.

I'll start - does Thai green curry suit everyone?

what about come whine with me?

quite topical given the economy, the price of things and the nature of the irish in general.

Basically, people go around to each other's houses for dinner and complain about anything and everything.

I'll start - does thai green curry suit everyone?


Maybe if RTE, ITV and BBC could stop making soaps and make good drama and comedy like HBO and USA Network (Monk + PSYCH)
What about Come Whine with Me?

Quite topical given the economy, the price of things and the nature of the Irish in general.

Basically, people go around to each other's houses for dinner and complain about anything and everything.

I'll start - does Thai green curry suit everyone?

No I dont like the colour green, and curry gives me indigestion and...whine whine;)
:D Liking them.
... Any more suggestions anyone?
"How Green is my Valium?" a series studying the pharma industry in Ireland from a sustainability perspective

"The Fairly Pikey Food Tour of Britain" - travellers travel around Britain eating food and well eh travelling

"Law and Ordure - Faecal Victims Unit" - a history of sewage and sewerage system in Ireland from penal times to the Tribunals of Iniquity

"Trust Me, I'm a Dealer, Righ?" - a series following West Dublin's big-hearted drug barons as they use their professional skills to fund-raise for their favourite charities. "Me, de Mot and de Mot's mudder, righ', dere's three or four charidees righ' off, righ'?", to quote Jugsey O'Bannion in the first episode to be broadcast tonight, in spite of the injunctions.
"Law and Ordure - Faecal Victims Unit" - a history of sewage and sewerage system in Ireland from penal times to the Tribunals of Iniquity

Funny you say this, but they did a series of programmes about sewage in London in the Uk. And guess what? They were done by Peter Bazalgette of Endemol, who was responsible for Big Brother in the UK.

Big Brother & The Great Stink - both programmes seem to have the same subject matter :D
"Blood, Sweat and Trackers", an exposé of the financial services industry in Ireland during the boom years

"The Full Set", a generational soap-opera based on the lives of a family of dental technicians in Pimlico, Dublin and Pimlico, London

"Racial Alien - Break!", ET takes a holiday from her failed attempts to develop a personality; docu-drama with non-PC overtones.