Company Takeover - TUPE - Fuel Card

  • Thread starter Jocky Wilson
  • Start date

Jocky Wilson


The company I work for is about to be taken over.

Currently we have a fuel card (for both work and private milleage).

The company buying us say they won't allow us to keep our fuel cards. they say that they will work out the benefit the card is to us from our P11D and then give us a cash payment to cover the loss of benefit for 12 months. Then after that they will give us nothing more.

Can they do this legally or do we have some protection from TUPE that will force them to compensate us for loss of fuel card after the first 12 month period has expired?

Thanks in advance,

TUPE does not per se have any bearing on the matter. Your new employer has the same rights as your previous employer would have had (no more and no less) to examine and re-jig its arrangements in relation to fuel cards.

I doubt that any employee could assert that it was a term of their employment that they would have a fuel card arrangement on a permanent basis. I think this is one of those things which an employer is free ( within reason) to re-jig. The level of compensation is of course open to discussion, negotiation and ( ultimately) referral through the normal industrial relations processes if needs be.