Motor Insurance: Number of parties



How many:- and who:- other than the two main sides to the Car Insurance contract...the broker or insurance company and me:- are involved? Is there just usually an extra one? A finance company and no others?
Involved in what - getting an insurance quotation or actually entering a contract?

Brokers deal with multiple parties obtaining quotations.

Contracts are entered into with the insurer although they may seek reinsurance with others.

I don't think the broker is part of the contract at all - they take their cut for the search for value for you.
Thank you.
.....Entering a contract.
Oh! an underwriter different from an Insurer?
Broker is not involved in car insurance contract
An insurer and underwriter are the same thing. The contract is between the insured and the insurer. There aren't any other partners. Brokers have a separate relationship with the client, finance companies can be named as interested parties, (like mortgage lender on house insurance), but aren't part of the contract per se.