What Shower?


Registered User
This possibly may be the stupidest question on the planet, but I'm a "blonde" brunette I can't help it!

Am after moving into a new Rental house. Um, how do I know if I have just the standard Immersion Shower or if I have an Electric one?!? Would the hot water be instant coming out of the tap if I had an Electric Shower?! :/
Well yeah I'll ask them tomorrow or the next day like. There's an Immersion in the House alright and the place is Oil-Heating. But I've just now noticed there's some type of Pull-Cord in the Bathroom that I havn't really paid attention to before today, would have assumed something like that was to put on a fan for Bathrooms that don't have a fan that comes on with the light. That made me wonder, maybe the Shower is electric too. I know zero about these things. The Shower does actually come on alright when I pull the cord! But just cold water. When I turn it into the red the water stays cold. Would there be anything else in a house that would need to be switched on or activated to start up an Electric Shower?

When you say switch do you mean another switch instead of the standard Immersion-Bath-Shower switch? Havn't been told of any other switch, there's just that one a.f.a.I.k.
Hi nodatafound,
there are also two types of electric showers. One which heats the water as needed, and one which uses the hot water in the cylinder, and just pumps it. The second type is normally used when there is low pressure for whatever reason.

When you turn it into the red, and it still stays cold, it could mean one of two things either 1. The shower heats the water itself (first type) but the heating element is broken, or 2. The shower only pumps the water and there is no hot water in the cylinder.

As Sahd said, brand name and model will tell us, as well as if you can see either one or two water pipes going into it. One pipe - first kind (as it only needs a cold water feed, two pipes - second kind (as it needs a hot and cold feed).

Let us know what you find.