Forced to leave UTV Internet and now being charged for the privilege!!!!!


Registered User
If any of you like myself have been forced to leave UTV Internet and find another provider, then check your online bill for the month of May as you will probably have been charged 100 Euro automatically for breaking your contract. This charge is automatically applied. When i phoned them and queried this and mentioned ....what about all the other people on contract who may not notice this charge on their bill I was told that...... I am sure they will notice the charge and call in to have it corrected. OUTRAGEOUS!!!
Had a similar issue when switching away from them some years ago. Had to follow up with them to get it sorted.
This is different as I never wanted to leave them in the first place. Theoretically it is actually them breaking the contract as the terms, conditions are different and the monthly fee with Vodafone for what they consider a similar package is more expensive!!!
I thought the switchover wasn't happening until July - would an earlier switch to another provider have led to the extra charge?

There's no additional charge on my May bill.
Was forced into a switch from BT Ireland to vodafone a few years back - although there was an option NOT to accept this - and go your own way. I would imagine you guys should have the same option??
I thought the switchover wasn't happening until July - would an earlier switch to another provider have led to the extra charge?

There's no additional charge on my May bill.

Possibly, but I didn't agree with Vodafone an earlier switch day, just decided on which package to go for.