My employer makes us pay for missing stock...



I work for a company that pays in addition to a salary a commission on sales. Some items have gone missing from our storeroom, they are not necessarily stolen, maybe lost or mislaid. We have been told by our head office that all of the staff in our shop have to pay for the missing items. Our monthly commission is being reduced by the retail price of the missing item. Everyone has to pay. Not so long ago there was a discrepancy in our bank lodgment. Again all of the staff had to pay up for this loss by our commission being reduced. Some staff have nothing to do with the bank lodgment. During the month we can also have temporary staff working for a day or two, these staff also get commission but do not have to pay up like the permanent staff. Is this illegal?
Sounds very odd. While an employer cannot make salary deductions (with certain exceptions) without your express consent (see ) I'm not sure how commission fits into this. Has anybody raised the issue or challenged your employer over this issue? Is there a union? You might want to check about this with the Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment. If discussing it individually or preferably collectively calmly and rationally with your employer gets you nowhere then you might want to consider alternative courses of action.
You don't dare speak up, they get you in the end.

We are all afraid to talk to our employer. Our area manager is nasty. People who have spoken up in the past have been transferred to other branches, some people just resigned.
Re: You don't dare speak up, they get you in the end.

If I was you I would contact the DETE for advice.
Re: You don't dare speak up, they get you in the end.

We are all afraid to talk to our employer. Our area manager is nasty. People who have spoken up in the past have been transferred to other branches, some people just resigned.

There is only one way to deal with a bully - stand up to him/her! Though do so in a clever way - make sure you arm yourself with the facts, relevant legislation & support from your colleagues and even the bully's boss first.
Employer deductions

"Our monthly commission is being reduced by the retail price of the missing item."

I have no opinion to offer on the legality of the deductions but to deduct the full retail price is just brutally unfair. Why on earth should the employer be allowed to take from your pocket a profit on the missing stock? That just stinks.

We are all afraid to talk to our employer. Our area manager is nasty.


I can't tell you about the legality of what your manager is doing, but when you find out and if you have to confront him/her, it might help to read a book on negotiating skills first. I found The Good Girl's Guide to Negotiating was very good and isn't just for women. Getting To Yes - I haven't read this one yet, but it has been recommended by several people.

Links added by ClubMan.

One of the staff was recently caught messing around with the stock and had their employment terminated. We suspect that this person was the one responsible for the "missing stock". Yet, none of the innocent remaining staff have been refunded by the company for their reduced commission over the months the problem was taking place. It seems we were all punished for one persons dishonesty.
Re: Update.

Is this an extract from a Dickens novel? Looks like the manager needs to go to manager school.

If for arguement sake an innocent person was being deducted 100 Euro a month due to someone elses negligence or dishonesty, then over a period of time this could drive an innocent person into a situation where they cover their losses. This is totally unproductive.

Is the manager 'contributing' to the deduction - what's good for one should be good for another.

I'm not sure on the legality of his actions but I would think that on a first approach a non-militant style mtg should be held - along the lines of......

- there is a problem
- everyone is being impacted
- how can it be addressed
- have people any ideas
- are there inherent problems in the systems or processes
- how accurate is the stock upon receipt.

Have the manager as part of the solutions team. Use reverse psychology - make him feel that these are his great ideas.

Jeez - hire me as the management consultant (ok maybe not but sounds like there is an overhaul required)
