B&Q (Northern Ireland) sale - Dulux PaintPods £34


Registered User
Saw an advert on TV for this last night.

B&Q (in UK & NI) are having a "going, going gone" sale until Tuesday 17th Feb.

The Dulux PaintPod is selling for half-price at £34

Last time I noticed them on sale locally, they were priced at €99, so a significant saving if you can get one and want one!
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€40 in B&Q belgard road today as well.

good value.

exchange even seesm reasonable.
I've never used one but I'd say they're a nightmare to clean.

I think you're also restricted to a particular range of paint too - as far as I know only a handful of matt emulsions in 5 litre packs.
I've never used one but I'd say they're a nightmare to clean.

They are simple to clean (and do most of the cleaning themselves). There is a recent thread in the Homes & Gardens forum about them.
I've seen paint pots with specific 'paint pod' labels on them alright, I guess they would have to be slightly less thick to be used with the machine.
Dulux site shows only 13 colours available. 5 litre only and all matt emulsion.A bit restrictive I think.

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Yes, they are tricky enough to clean - 3 flushes of the cycle with very warm water - each flush takes about 10 minutes - but then it is clean, (give or take the odd little bit) Great for big rooms. you will do it in quarter the time - you still have to do all the cutting in at the edges. For small rooms they are not as time-saving - the paint is very good quality - no drips or spray - limited range of colours.