Finding somewhere to charge my phone


Registered User
Hi All,

I remember seeing some time ago in a pub that there was a stand which allowed you to plug in your phone for charging. I seem to remember it had adapters for siemens, motorola, nokia, etc. phones.

I was just wondering if anyone knew of anywhere in south dublin city centre that does this? My mortorala is after dying on me and I have left my charger at home which is 100 miles away!
Ask in any phone shop and they might do it for you?

They tend not to be too generous about this in phone shops anymore, apparently there were some security issues (staffs attention being distracted for a minute plugging in phone), and then of course you'd get the people who'd be in everyday asking for it to be done.

Can you not ask around in work if anyone has a charger?
longer term an idea is to check ebay i got a car charger for 4€ delivered for my nokia, handy to have in the car
Your not meant to be in there if your not a student but I know there is one on the first floor of DBS on Aungier Street.
If you're near to TCD there's a machine in the students union shop that you can use to re- charge your phone, don't need college ID to get in there either.
Grrrrr, well I bought a new charger which didn't work so I dropped the phone into 3 store today who won't get it back till the week after next and have no replacement phones in the meantime!!

All very annoying when I have about 5 old phones but they don't work with a 'three' simcard!
All very annoying when I have about 5 old phones but they don't work with a 'three' simcard!
Presumably because they are still locked to another network? If so they you may be able to get them unlocked by that network operator or else independently (subject to the terms & conditions of your contract blah blah blah). Or is it that 3 block phones other than their own?
Also while abroad (but probably no use to a native here) I have walked into 02 shops , explaining that I needed to buy a charger as mine had been forgotten and they have refused to sell me one, instead offering to take my phone and charge it for me, asking that I call back in an hour. Which was very nice of them :)
Did you check your credit/bill afterwards?
Hi All,

I remember seeing some time ago in a pub that there was a stand which allowed you to plug in your phone for charging. I seem to remember it had adapters for siemens, motorola, nokia, etc. phones.

I was just wondering if anyone knew of anywhere in south dublin city centre that does this? My mortorala is after dying on me and I have left my charger at home which is 100 miles away!

Try buying one of emergency chargers (battery operated) from Argos.
Hi Solas on wexford st have one but do not do Sharp phones. I had this problem and just sent an email around work and got 3 replies and one person gave me their charger as they had just bought a new phone !