1year contract good job or stay in an average job?


Registered User
Hypothetical situation.

I have been called for an interview for a post i applied for some weeks back. The role is something really interesting within a public service body who would be well known within my current work sector. The money would be about 5-8k more than I currently earn (which is substantial enough as my money is very average), and the experience would be great. Problem is that the job is only for 1 year and the company is small (under 40 employees) so the chances of another opportunity arising could be slim enough.

My current job is with a private company with no prospects and no benefits. I would like to leave but have a mortgage and alot of overheads and cannot afford to be jobless after 1year. Would i be mad to take the job above (if offered it that is!!)
Would i be mad to take the job above (if offered it that is!!)

If you took the new job then in a years time you would be looking for another new job - BUT with the added extras of a higher latest salary and more experience on your CV so its likely you would bump yourself up a rung on the salary ladder because the expectation would be that you wouldnt accept a lower salary after the 1 year job.

Mind you I dont know what kind of work you do but in my line of work thats pretty much how it would go.

In saying that there is a hassle factor in having to get a new job in a years time also. And if you have committments, mortgage etc it can be hard to leave the safety net of the average wage job.

I think you need to weigh up all the pros and cons and see which option is best for yourself.
I would definitely go for the new job and start my search for a back up job in bout 9 months. If you do well you could end up with a longer contract. The fact that your current job has no prospects should be enough to decide to move on. Good luck.
My vote goes to the new job too. Sounds like you're going nowhere in the old one and so sooner or later you'll get bored and frustrated and pack it in anyway.
Be brave & go for the new job (well if you get offered it). The contract may well last longer than a 1 year but even if it doesn't, you will have gained invaluable experience and a few extra bob. Future employers will probably be inpressed that you were brave enough to step out of a job with few opportunities in order to advance yourself in the longer term.
Re: 1 year contract good job or stay in an average job?

I'd advise that you go for the new job too - but just pretend to yourself that there hasn't been an increase in salary and instead save it ALL as rainy day money.

That way, you get the greater experience from the new job, and you have a little fund that can tide you over IF the worst happened. ;)
I would go for it if the job and money is really poor and theres no prospect of it getting better. However you need to be honest with yourself that it is the job that has been holding you back (ie, poor pay etc) and not your own actions. I don't want to sound blunt but sometimes people blame their job etc for their situation when they need to be more self-critical. I'm not saying this is the case here but I'd rather put all the cards on the table.

If you do choose to move be very careful to use the year's contract to build your profile and career and you never know, great opportunities could come of it if you work hard and impress people at the new workplace.

Good luck!
thanks for all the replies. Reading all the responses has sort of reinforced a gut feeling. Might not even get it but i feel i am at least putting my heart into an interview now.

However you need to be honest with yourself that it is the job that has been holding you back (ie, poor pay etc) and not your own actions. I don't want to sound blunt but sometimes people blame their job etc for their situation when they need to be more self-critical. I'm not saying this is the case here but I'd rather put all the cards on the table.

totally agree with you Fintan. Ive spent alot of time on education so i am overqualified for alot of experience in that respect but i know i dont have the professional experience to match. Its quite frustrating!

Thanks anyway everyone. Fingers crossed for interview now!