Mobile use in cars down after Garda crackdown ????


Registered User
Still several drivers using phones in cars, will some people never learn.

Consistently see mobile phones in hand.

Even worse more often on very expensive cars, a car kit is close to one tank of fuel.

The mind boggles.
The Gardai are exempt from several driving laws, such as seatbelt use, might be the same for mobile use?
Head of the Traffic core was on the radio and said Garda are exempt for emergencies.

Of course every time a garda is on the phone it is an emergency.
I find it amusing that the guards occasionally decide to uphold one particular law. Should their not be a permanent crackdown on illegal things like mobile phone use while driving?
I wonder are there any statistics on crashes caused by people using or distracted by having a mobile in their hand?

I'm not sure about those stat's but when using a hands-free device there is no decrease in risk. It is the action of having a conversation with someone who is not in the car that is dangerous. Where and how the phone is held makes no difference.
Head of the Traffic core was on the radio and said Garda are exempt for emergencies.

Of course every time a garda is on the phone it is an emergency.

Not quite correct, any member of the public can use a mobile while driving to call the Gardai (or ambulance or fire service) in the event of an emergency.

Gardai are exempt while in the line of duty, it doesn't have to be an emergency.
When I'm driving I prefer to unwrap and eat my roll and drink a cup of tea, fiddle with the radio or change a cd. Removing the cellophane from a pack of cigarettes, taking out the silver foil, taking out the cigarette and lighting up while driving is cool too. I find these activities are safer than pressing the green button on my phone and holding it to my ear in my automatic transmission car. :rolleyes:
The Gardai are exempt from several driving laws, such as seatbelt use, might be the same for mobile use?

I presume the danger is as great for a member of the Gardai on the mobile while driving as it is for other users.
Getting a bit off topic.

Have yee noticed less people using phones???

or business as usual?

Barring the fact that the conversation is the problem, what is the aversion to paying for a car kit especially in expensive cars?
The Gardai are exempt from several driving laws, such as seatbelt use, might be the same for mobile use?

They also turn right at a "no-right-turn" junction close to me, so that they can get their coffees in the local Topaz.

"do as I say, not as I do" eh?
Do you have a video camera on your phone?

Well if he reports them with his evidence he might later risk being arrested, breathilised which if the machine doesn't work he might then be handcuffed and taken to the local station to give a sample and send home with a good telling off. And he might then find he mysteriously has a plethora of tickets for various offences as he goes about his daily life.
Well if he reports them with his evidence he might later risk being arrested, breathlised which if the machine doens't work he might then be handcuffed and taken to the local station to give a sample and send home with a good telling off. And he might then find he mysteriously has a plethora of tickets for various offences as he goes about his daily life.
I really wish I could disagree with that.
Well if he reports them with his evidence he might later risk being arrested, breathlised which if the machine doens't work he might then be handcuffed and taken to the local station to give a sample and send home with a good telling off. And he might then find he mysteriously has a plethora of tickets for various offences as he goes about his daily life.

That's a possibility all right, though less and less likely as transparency improves. Alternatively, if he posts it anonymously online or gives it to an interested journalist, he will not have any of those experiences.

The other option is that he arranges an informal sitdown with the local inspector, shows him the video, and leaves in in the inspector's hands to fix the problem.
The other option is that he arranges an informal sitdown with the local inspector, shows him the video, and leaves in in the inspector's hands to fix the problem.

You mean like those journalists and more particular those papers that 'rely' for their scoops in the same said policemen.

Ordinary people shouldn't have to snoop on the police. And the police should be so professional that what they do isn't called into question. Illegally parking and turning just makes a mockery of the law.