Mortgage protection refused to soldiers.

Ash 22

Registered User
A person I know who is in the process of buying his first house has been refused mortgage protection by 2 insurance companies, the fact he will be going abroad to Chad as a member of the Irish army. This seems very unfair to treat our soldiers this way. Is it not bordering on discrimination???
Life companies may refuse a no. of occupations namely high risk. There may also be exclusions/loading applied on various occupations. I thought in instances such as that of your friends that such occupations were also covered by death in service ie if death occurred in the line of duty but I may be mistaken on this? He should check the procedure with his employer.
In the eyes of the insurance company , they are not being unfair, the same thing used to happen to soldiers going to Lebanon. They don't go on peace keeping missions to Majorca and why should the insurance company carry the risk. However army personnel have compulsory life insurance which covers them in the event of death even if it is in a war zone. In fact that and making a will, is compulsory for all members of the PDF before serving overseas. Also , in the event that he dies due to hostilities , his next of kin will be compensated by the UN, or EU presumably in the case of Chad.
He needs to show all this documentation to the bank and he shouldn't have problems if the amount would cover his morgage.....I think it is 300000. If his morgage is bigger than this he may have trouble, but when he is back from overseas , usually it is not that difficult to get cover, but it won't pay out for death in combat.
Thanks for all your replies. Just wondering if hes going overseas in 2 more years time, what happens then, is it the same story all over again.
I don't know if the rules have changed in the recent past but I am familiar with a case where a soldier that was going to another African country for a 6 month tour of duty.

One of the insurance companies offered terms with a loading on the premium for the first 12 months. The employer paid the difference between the normal rate and the loading. I believe this practice is normal within the Defence Forces.

The soldier had to complete an additional questionnaire and confirm that they were not involved in Bomb Disposal.

One company excluded the country of destination and another gave terms but the premium was prohibitive.
Both my boyfriend and brother are soldiers. they have served in the lebannon, liberia, kosovo and now has gone to chad. both have got mortgage protection. one is with EBS got with their mortgage the other Irish life. Good luck :)
For State employees with dangerous jobs, the State usually pays the additional insurance loading that may apply above the normal insurance for mortgages.
Your right on that, so at least thats something good as theres going to be a pretty high loading on this one it seems.