Is European democracy suffering death by 1000 cuts?


Registered User
I was never keen on the EU Project but I wonder if those who are keen on same think it's worth the ongoing erosion of democratic rights? . . Ireland is told to vote again, twice. Greece is told it can not hold a referendum. Countries are told to change leader; the EU line up a banker to run Greece and a Bilderberger to run Italy. Belgium, where the EU HQ is, isn't really a country and hasn't had a government for 17 months, but this is irrelevant as the EU runs everything. Surely none can disagree that the EU is an anti-democratic behemoth.
The reaction to the Greek referendum was amazing. It was almost like, how dare the greek people have a say in what shape their country takes in the next 10-20 years.
The sight of France and Germany actually telling the greek prime minister what the wording of the referendum would be was unthinkable a few years back.

It looks like there will a break of the euro or much closer integration than we were originally led to believe. How many european citizens would have voted for that?
Beggars can't be choosers. That is the problem. Stop being a beggar and then you can choose.

Greece could have its referendum - but the government there decided that they wanted to make sure they could pay public sector workers and social welfare more. What should Germany and France have done? "Fine we'll give you money and then you decide if you want to pay us back or not".
Yeah, It was mentioned this morning on PK that the new guy in Italy and Greece both have links to Goldman Sachs.
Maybe Peter Sutherland will take over from Enda. :)