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  1. C

    Renting fathers house while in nursing home

    Probably a bad idea, most likely 80% of the rent would have to go to pay for the nursing home.
  2. C


    I would accept that we have no enforcement credibility on a civil war/massacre in Rwanda, nor should we have. We have some credibility on long term conflict resolution, if others wish to learn from that.
  3. C


    Saying 'it was awful' and 'we did nothing' is one thing, and so far no one would disagree. Yet what could we have done about it, even if we had a military at the ready to intervene. Although I am deeply cynical about military intervention, its a genuine question.
  4. C

    What should someone who has made millions from BTC do?

    Victorian novels are one of my favourite forms of relaxation. Lots of them are very taken with the characters financial situation, The Forsyth Saga, The Warden, North and South. They had the concept of 'realising your profits'. When the character wanted to finish his disreputable life in trade...
  5. C

    We are living through an economic sweet spot

    Nearly seven years later and incomes have continued to grow, national debt has fallen as a % of GDP and GNI, numbers at work are up, and over reliance on CT income is still seen as a threat (in other words 7 years on its still a boon). The consequence of all this success is a housing crunch...
  6. C

    Thoughts on making electric vehicle threads useful to those asking for help?

    I agree. And it is not just EV threads. I gave up following the various threads on the UK pensions and UB mortgages, they are simply to difficult to follow, even though both are relevant to me. Off topic megathreads are not the only issue but perhaps this type of discussion could be pushed into...
  7. C


    Ok, you are right Walensa beat Kwasniewski in the 1995 presidential election, and Russian living standards were inflated by plundering the economic output of Poland et al. Meanwhile back in the real world.
  8. C


    (Living Standards) Yes they were. I have never heard anyone say this before, what are you basing it on. I never said there was nothing noble about Poles wanting their freedom from that system. What I said was that I would not give my children's lives for freedom from that system. In the...
  9. C


    Tricky that when you must decide when you must fight and when not. I put up Pearse's poem the fool previously, a man prepared to fight for his ideals, his version of 'Fundamental freedoms worth fighting for, but not I think yours.
  10. C


    There were many issues with the Soviet domination of Eastern Europe during the Cold War, plunder was not one of them. Living standards were higher in East Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia than in Russia. I am not sure what you mean about manpower pool.
  11. C


    You are using the word 'fighting' here in a very different sense. Walensa was not a soldier. The number of people killed in the entire era of the Solidarity struggle was as nothing compared to the numbers killed in war. I don't think this is impossible at all. Priti Patel was quite explicit...
  12. C


    The vast majority did get on with their lives. There was nothing inherently noble about those that fought communism in Poland after the war. They were willing to fight for their vision, so what. Most people just wanted peace.
  13. C


    No I am encouraging you NOT to fight if Putin lands 20,000 troops in Banna. If you do lots of people will call you a hero, but they will be mostly people who are glad to repay your suffering with words. I will say you are a fool. The Fool (scroll...
  14. C


    I am not for a moment disputing the bravery of the Poles who fought against the Nazis. In fact there were units of the Polish army active in Poland right through the war. But they didn't liberate the country and they had no influence on the outcome of the war. Polish soldiers made a big...
  15. C


    Actually it is not true that no one fought to liberate Poland from the Russians. There was an anti communist struggle into the 1950s. All they suceeded in doing was getting themselves and their neighbours killed.
  16. C


    No one fought to liberate Poland from the Russians. Lech Walensa's parents lived through Nazi and Russian occupation.
  17. C

    Just wondering what people's yield would have to be before buying a buy to let with cash?

    Wow. Actually I agree with you despite the extravagant prose. Invest €300k in a property and get a 8% return versus invest €30k in a property, borrow €270k at 5% gives a 35% return.
  18. C


    I would yes. I have known many people who lived under a totalitarian dictatorship. My parents in law lived under Nazi occupation for 5 years. My mother in law was a nurse, working in a hospital. Certainly she resented the German occupation, and the fate of the Jewish families in her home...
  19. C


    Yes I do. The vast majority of people in Russian occupied Ukraine are getting on with their lives. Going to work, getting paid, living. Sure everything is under the eye of Russian patrols, but I would rather live like that than die on a beach. Here is a likn to an item on life under Russian...