Peeling sofa entitlement?


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My wife bought a sofa nearly five years ago.(pre marriage)She paid over €1200 at time and was told although not leather it was Eco leather and this is on receipt.
Recently the sofa has started to peel and when she went back to the retailer she was told she had no come back and a repair would not be possible.
Last weekend we called in again and threatened the retailer with the small claims court. She offered any allowance on a new suite but would not replace the sofa under any circumstances. Have we a case against the retailer? does happen. Mine started peeling after five years. Well known fault
I have an Ikea couch set, it's at least 15 years and has a cream washable cover and has withstood the test of time, kids, animals, food, drink, vomit........ Cost I think around 1K IEP for a 3 seater and 2 seater. I did replace the covers once. I hate leather time stuff as it's cold to the touch. It's about time though I replaced it.

And when I say kids, I mean hurdle races and dancing on etc.
After 5 years, an allowance is likely all you will be awarded even if you were successful in the small claims court. Unless it was a premium brand with an extended warranty, there's no way you'll get your money back after 5 years of use.
I got mine repaired...i liked the shape...was about 600 e.

But it is a well known fault!