Default pension fund


Registered User
So I've recently become a member of the company pension. I've been initially added as a 'default/ average risk' strategy. However looking at the allocation of funds i'm concerned that its not right.

The breakdown is as follows:

Europe (exUK) 38%
North America 28%
Emerging Markets 19% (this one really concerns me!)
Pacific (ex Japan) 13%
UK 2% (really think this should be higher)

these are all equities.

Personally I think 19% is way too much for Emerging markets (possibly only be 5%). I think there should be more invested in UK (maybe 6-7%) and some invested in Japan (3-5%)

What do people think of the 'default' allocation and of my suggested allocation?

How long is a piece of string?

Ask the trustee for details of other funds that are available to you and then get advice from a financial advisor as to what would suit you.