car broken down - needs money for petrol

Brendan Burgess

A friend of mine was driving onto a motorway when he was flagged down by a guy, apparently broken down, at the side of the road.

"Ari" had run out of petrol and his wallet had been stolen, so wanted to borrow some money for petrol. He gave his business card and some worthless jewellery as security. My friend lent him €70, although he suspected it was a scam. When he called the number on the card, it was a disconnected number.

He reported it to the Gardai who said it was a scam.

Have heard this before, happening in car parks,,, however driver just gets your attention when uv opened your car...u look up or go over engaging in conversation and another baddie raids your car...
A friend of mine was driving onto a motorway when he was flagged down by a guy, apparently broken down, at the side of the road.

"Ari" had run out of petrol and his wallet had been stolen, so wanted to borrow some money for petrol. He gave his business card and some worthless jewellery as security. My friend lent him €70, although he suspected it was a scam. When he called the number on the card, it was a disconnected number.

He reported it to the Gardai who said it was a scam.

Why the need to give him so much money? Is he not in more need of a lift to a garage for fuel where if satisfied you could pay for enough fuel to take him home. Could also have rang the number if he had a mobile phone with him to confirm bona fide. Unfortunately your friends trust was abused and unlikely to offer such assistance in future in what may be a genuine case
At best, I would have stopped and offered to call a friend for him. Note: I would not have given him my mobile phone just dialled the number myself.
I wouldn't have been giving them a lift anywhere either, random stranger in the car. Sad that we have come to this considering I hitched regularly all around the country in my youth but different times now. At best I might have given a fiver to get petrol.
Got caught with this at the Ballinteer junction of the M50 not so long ago.
Foreign bloke, stocky,I assumed Romanian (no idea really).

I was in a mad hurry, thought he wanted a lift to a petrol station first.
Gave him €20 for petrol and went off.

Penny only dropped about 30 mins later.
Thought I was pretty clued in but obviously not.

I do hope to meet him again though.
Most insurances have breakdown cover now, tell them to contact their insurance.
This is the oldest scam in the book. My five year old grandson would know this was a scam. The worst bit is the scammer playing on the generosity of others.

Another scam is the famous card presented to you while you are seated in a hotel or bar informing you the card-holder is deaf and dumb and needs money badly for such like charity. You ask for identification and he/she just walks away looking for another soft touch.