Working conditions in IFSRA?

Brendan Burgess

Does anyone have any insight into the working conditions (including salary) within IFRSA?

Some basic questions are:-
Where are they based?
What is the culture wrt typical working day (i.e. would it be described as 6.75 hrs & relaxed, or 10 hrs & pressured - and if not as extreme as either of the above, where in the middle)?
Are salaries competitive?

I know that it will depend on the specific position, but I am looking for a general sense.

Some of your queries might be answered by referring to their website. This is the sort of simple initiative that I presume might be expected of potential employees of this or most other organisations.

[broken link removed]
Simple initiative

Address references on the website all appear to contain a PO Box number (which is why I asked).

Answers about the culture of an organisation are unlikely to be available except anecdotally (which is why I asked). A website may say 40 hrs per week, but the reality may be that you are frowned on for leaving before 7 any day.

I am happy to think that in responding quickly you misinterpreted my request for information and hence the 'tone' adopted.
Simple initiative

A quick phone call to IFSRA would presumably be enough to find out where their private and/or publicly accessible offices are located? As far as I know their HQ is in the Central Bank or else somewhere nearby on Dame Street. I'm not sure if they have opened their public information offices yet or where they are located or if they plan to double up with Citizen Information Bureaux or something like that.
Lighten up


Looks like Mr. Blank got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning.
Re: Lighten up

What's the issue here?

Mr Blank is giving links and providing information as he always does in a helpful manner.

Why insult Mr Blank?


It's a fair question.

Websites and other direct information sources are very general in terms of the information they offe on job coditions and culture. They're unlikely to offer any real insight.

In relation to location, I know that IFSRA have acquired the old Eircell building on Dame Street (just a few doors up from the Cental Bank itself). It has always been the intention to keep the extended operation close to base.

As for real office hours, not too sure. However, for IFSRA, read the old Central Bank (despite any pleadings to the contrary). I think it's safe to assume that the culture of the old CBI will envelop the "new" organisation so any historical information you can get on the working conditions of the CBI is probably still relevant.

A brother of mine worked in the CB for years. He said the place was staffed with clock watchers, and no-one really gave a monkeys. Sounds like hell on Earth to me, but he enjoyed it !