Mobile phone law whilst driving starts today


Registered User
on the radio this morning they said the new law kicks in for use of the mobile whilst driver - 2 penalty points. sitting at the lights this morning, a girl behind me was smoking a cigarette AND drinking coffee from one of those long silver mugs. how can you drive if you're drinking and smoking???? is there a law about that i wonder?
Re: Mobile fone law whilst driving starts today

Could be argued that she was driving 'without due care and attention' etc. I guess.
Re: Mobile fone law whilst driving starts today

Yep, the Gardai warned they'd be targeting drinking or eating while driving recently.
Re: Mobile fone law whilst driving starts today

Saw a woman yesterday driving down Dawson Street, turning right into Molesworth Street, talking on her hands free and doing her make-up in her rear view mirror. Not a whole lot of "due care and attention".

And all while the place was swarming with Gardai for this alleged bomb in the Mansion House.
Re: Mobile fone law whilst driving starts today

Why was she putting on her makeup badly :D

I assume the gardai had other things on thee mind.
Re: Mobile fone law whilst driving starts today

The Garda in the car behind me on the way home from work was having a great chat on his mobile(no handsfree set)!
Re: Mobile fone law whilst driving starts today

I assume the gardai had other things on thee mind.

Why? There was no bomb. Sure as far as I could see, the army never even went inside - they were smoking outside the back door for most of the afternoon.
Re: Mobile fone law whilst driving starts today

This is just another one of these laws that's not going to be enforced.

Driving to the airport today from Wicklow, I saw loads of drivers on mobiles, eating breakfast, driving in the bus lanes and L drivers on the motorway. Not a Garda in sight.

My Swiss visitors were astonished at how little enforcement there is here on the roads and are not surprised at the death toll.

They also informed me that if you fail your driving test 3 times in Switzerland, you have to go see a Psychologist! :D
I don't think it is possible to drive 'without due care and attention' when one is stopped at traffic lights. Am I wrong???
sitting at the lights this morning, a guy in front of me looked at me through his rear view mirror instead of concentrating on the road in front of him. . how can you drive if you're looking at other drivers through your rear view mirror???? is there a law about that i wonder?
sitting at the lights this morning, a guy in front of me looked at me through his rear view mirror instead of concentrating on the road in front of him. . how can you drive if you're looking at other drivers through your rear view mirror???? is there a law about that i wonder?

Or taking your eyes off the road to turn around to spot a good looking young 'wan on the footpath as you drive by? I've had numerous close calls nearly driving into a line of traffic because of a nicely fitting pair of levis.

Am I in danger of getting points for this activity as well?
Roll on equivalent legislation to cover reading the paper/picking your nose/applying makeup while driving...:rolleyes:

Mind you, anything that curtails the right to chatter incessantly into those confounded devices gets my vote (harrumph!)
Friend of mine was stopped on the M1 between Drogheda Toll Bridge and Dublin on August 30th last and was done because she was on the the phone. She was told to expect a court appearance.
When she recovered herself she drove off only to see another woman driver being pulled over by the same squad car she thinks for the same offence.
Now I know that it could have been an offence to use a mobile while driving before 1st September but a case of dangerous or without due care driving would have to be proved in front of a judge.
Funny how the same squad car was able to pull two cars in ten minutes for the same offence.
I saw a Gard stop someone yesterday while they were driving on the phone.

Ive seen Gaurds using mobile phones while they were driving... but using the mobile, driving AND stopping someone now thats a real feat! ;)
