Is there a new fake dublin accent

joe sod

Registered User
I picked this up from listening to some presenters on newstalk and rte, they are young 30 something's. It's a new contrived Dublin accent it's not the "dort" or south Dublin accent which is now infamous, it's slightly working class but definitely contrived with all the rougher bits taken off, "I'm gooodth" rather than "I'm good", but it has a different timbre to the true blue Dublin accent with the voice rising towards the end of sentence which the Dublin accent doesn't have. I've noticed Claire McKenna on news talk and Gavin McLaughlin the business editor with independent definitely have it.
Accents can seem contrived but they evolve so I'm not sure if it can be said that they are fake.

There's a certain MEP from Kildare who studied accountancy and is the daughter of an Army Colonel but has a strong Dublin accent. It occured to me that she may have acquired that accent to go with her socialist credentials rather than from her childhood. Does that qualify as a fake Dublin accent?
It doesn't make her any less capable though; agree with her views or not she's a smart woman and has done the State some service.
Accents can seem contrived but they evolve so I'm not sure if it can be said that they are fake.

Well evolution would happen over generations and be widespread, the "dort" accent is probably now a genuine accent because people have grown up talking it so it is genuine to them even though initially it was contrived. This new accent is a spangled conjoined between student (rising timbre at the end of each sentence as if asking a question ) with working class Dublin pronunciations (the famous ths at the end of a lot words ending in d, like "goodth"). It's not that widespread but particularly noticeable with young media people.
Jaysis no, I'm a fully paid up member of Franks Faithful, devoted so we are to following the ways of Frank, he's our charismatic he is...
Accents don't bother me so much as the use of rising inflection; and vocal fry in particular drives me bonkers.
The Australian upward inflection? Everything is a question? Really annoying.

HRT they call that, High Rise Terminals.

Is there a name for the thing people do when they give a really long answer to a question (in a formal setting, like a radio interview) and they start to go up the octaves, and then for a finish they nearly run out of 'road'? Can be funny.
Lee-ag of Oi-er-landth
Yes but probably more "t" than "th" so good becomes "gooodt" , buts it's interesting how the contrived accents have changed. The "dort" accent is heavily influenced by the posh English accent whereas this new accent is influenced by working class Dublin pronunciation spangled with American and tech speak, so obviously the posh English accent is no longer seen as desirable
Yes but probably more "t" than "th" so good becomes "gooodt" , buts it's interesting how the contrived accents have changed. The "dort" accent is heavily influenced by the posh English accent whereas this new accent is influenced by working class Dublin pronunciation spangled with American and tech speak, so obviously the posh English accent is no longer seen as desirable
Yea, the influence of popular culture on the privately schooled. That said looking down on someone because of their accent, be it fancy or rough, is not nice.
I have to say I adore accents. I mimic some, not very well, but it's in celebration of the cultural richness of this wee island.
Yes but probably more "t" than "th" so good becomes "gooodt" , buts it's interesting how the contrived accents have changed. The "dort" accent is heavily influenced by the posh English accent whereas this new accent is influenced by working class Dublin pronunciation spangled with American and tech speak, so obviously the posh English accent is no longer seen as desirable
Perhaps like economist Colm Mc Carthy's Dublin accent ?
Described in the Irish Times as the quintessential Dubliner - he's from Wexford !
Yea, but is there anything worse than a strong Wexford accent? :)
Yea thats interesting alright, the wexford accent, it sort of stands there on its own and is very different to the Waterford accent which is closer to the Cork and Munster accents. The Wexford accent is much flatter closer to the Midlands flat accent except its more nasal. I was In Newfoundland 20 years ago and the Newfoundland accent (outside cities and towns) is the Wexford accent the exact same pronounciations
I always think Wexford has a touch of "West Country" England about it, ohh--ahrrr pirate and all that. I also like the non-pc line "2 things come from Wexford .......and you don't look like a strawberry.....". Not as gentle as the Cork eating potato skins 'rhyme' though I grant you.
Yea thats interesting alright, the wexford accent, it sort of stands there on its own and is very different to the Waterford accent which is closer to the Cork and Munster accents. The Wexford accent is much flatter closer to the Midlands flat accent except its more nasal. I was In Newfoundland 20 years ago and the Newfoundland accent (outside cities and towns) is the Wexford accent the exact same pronounciations
Joe , the Waterford accent is the polar opposite of the Cork accent.
The Waterford accent is flat and deep but understandable whereas the Cork accent is sing song and hard
to grasp !
Joe , the Waterford accent is the polar opposite of the Cork accent.
The Waterford accent is flat and deep but understandable whereas the Cork accent is sing song and hard
to grasp !
Spoken like a Waterford Man. The people of Waterford are delusional by nature, sure they think that they have a city in their county!
Accents can seem contrived but they evolve so I'm not sure if it can be said that they are fake.

There's a certain MEP from Kildare who studied accountancy and is the daughter of an Army Colonel but has a strong Dublin accent. It occured to me that she may have acquired that accent to go with her socialist credentials rather than from her childhood. Does that qualify as a fake Dublin accent?
It doesn't make her any less capable though; agree with her views or not she's a smart woman and has done the State some service.
Did you ever hear the young ones going to secondary school? They pick up a false accent practically overnight, what is not contrived about that.