Key Post Useful links and resources

Brendan Burgess

Key Posts
How to calculate Mortgage Interest Supplement

I think I have been selected unfairly for redundancy

Links has pages from Citizen's Information organised in a more useful way. is a link to download the relevant forms for claiming Jobseeker's Benefit and Allowance.

Working for Work a 135 page guide from the INOU. Also available free of charge in hard copy. Order [broken link removed]

Here's a new site set up by the INOU:

Citizens Information Guide to Redundancy and Unemployment

For people looking at early retirement: Retirement Planning Council course

Some people might like to consider companies like Transition Ireland or their companies might refer them on although its not cheap.

DETE guide to what happens if your employer goes bust and DETE Layman's Guide to Redundancy Payments Scheme

including [broken link removed]

Tax and Redundancy Payments for Revenue Leaflet IT 21

Range of benefits available to unemployed people for various factsheets on redundancies

Pensions Board guide in PDF : [broken link removed]
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Supplementary Welfare Allowance- Will I Qualify?- New leaflet and links to forms

The Community Welfare Service have produced a new leaflet outlining some general information on qualifying criteria for Supplementary Welfare Allowance. The leaflet will be available in Social Welfare Local Offices, Citizens Information Centres, and Health Centres.

The text of the leaflet (and a download of the leaflet itself) may also be found on the Dept of Social & Family Affairs Website here

SWA - Will I Qualify?

The webpage also includes a link to the SWA application forms which can be downloaded:
SWA1 - general application form, used for all applications for SWA
SWA3 - application for Rent Supplement
SWA4 - application for Mortgage Interest Supplement
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was set up in June 09 and is a social and networking forum primarily for people who are unemployed but it is open to everyone and we encourage everyone to join.
The site has four main aims:

  • Help end the Social Isolation Unemployed people feel
  • Encourage business ideas and networking.
  • Be an outlet for the unemployed.
  • Help get people back into mainstream of society
Working for Work, published by the INOU, is very useful publication

Online edition here [broken link removed] or they run a free information line on 01 856 0088

They will also send any unemployed person a hard copy of the publication for free.
I have just applied for Job seekers allowance, but because I am living with my boyfriend he has to be means tested as well for me to receive my benefits. Is there anyway of getting around this?