Best Buy Budgeting software: YNAB (You Need A Budget)

Is there any one of these that you can share with your other half so that both of you can feed into it? That’d be ideal.
Another vote for An Post Money Manager! It syncs well with AIB (with small time delays sometimes) and does everything I need in terms of tracking my budget day-to-day. This is not my main financial tracking and planning tool - I have a spreadsheet in Google Sheets for that. But for day-to-day budget tracking, Money Manager is great. I like that it's customisable as you can categorise, rename, etc. transactions, you can set budgets for all kinds of categories (or combinations), and you can exclude transactions (which is handy for say reimbursed work expenses). That said it's probably not the right tool for people who want detailed analytics or to use it as their main / all-in-one finances tool.